Digital Media Graduate Utah Valley University

Through the course of my studies, I have developed a well rounded knowledge of creating digital media and making it available for consumption through various means. In addition to learning the skills needed for development I found that not only was an engaging interface important, but having the right metadata behind the content makes for a better experience during development and in using the media.

I managed a team that traveled to Israel and gathered assets to create a new website and digitally published site guide for the Beit Lehi Foundation.
To better understand the need for quality metadata within a product, I was tasked with taking an audiobook and making it a better experience.
I and three other students were given the opportunity to take a chapter of the LDS Church’s Preach My Gospel, design and create it into a digital form.

John is an incredible asset to our business, As his work ethic is admired by all. He has the ability to make everybody he knows better just by being around him. He has a glaring personality, and an incredible knowledge of his job.

Jaren Prothero